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Certificate Training Programs

Health Coaching Certificate Training Program

Health Coaching is a change agent focused on behavioral change necessary for the patient’s field wellness, benefiting people to improve their lives by achieving sustainable behavioral change and improving their overall well-being. At the end of this program, you will help individuals and families achieve their health and wellness goals by providing motivation and positive behavioral change through reliable and science-based coaching practices. For health professionals, this program will contribute to increase the compliance of individuals with health protocols by adding coaching skills to the valuable guidance they will give in the medical and medical field, and to reveal their differences by creating the necessary behavioral changes. Coaches and Psychologists gain their expertise in the field of Health Coaching by gaining the principles and skills to work with their clients in special health conditions in accordance with scientific infrastructure.

Certificate Training Program for Workers with Diabetes

This program is approved by the International Coaching Federation ICF (CCE) and consists of 12 hours.