neslihan sipahi karbonhidrat sayimi

Carbohydrate Counting

Consisting of 3 stages, it is recommended to revise the individual-specific values determined by carbohydrate counting every year. Stages 1 and 2 are for individuals with type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes; stages 1-2 and stage 3 (Advanced) are for individuals with type 1 diabetes. Carbohydrate counting and insulin management aim to help individuals self-manage diabetes. In our carbohydrate counting service, the study method is determined in accordance with the needs of the individual.

Diagnose carbohydrates, manage diabetes!

Learning to count carbohydrates leads to glycemic control (blood glucose within the normal range). Thus;

  • Weight appropriate for age, height and gender is maintained.
  • Normal growth and development in children and adolescents is supported.
  • The risk of diabetes complications such as hypoglycemia is reduced.
  • Increased variety in the diet of a person with type 1 diabetes.